Rineke Rottiné
Hi, I'm Rineke. I live in the north of the Netherlands, in the watery province of Friesland. Crafting has been ingrained in my genes for generations. My mother used to sew almost all her own clothes, as well as those of me and my sister. I was also brought up on knitting and crocheting and in my early childhood, my dolls always looked perfect in my homemade creations. In my teens, many other craft techniques also caught my interest, like frivolité and even lace-making!
I have always enjoyed learning new things, and I still do. After I turned 20, handicrafts temporarily disappeared from my life due to studies, work and other priorities, but in 2014, when I was asked if I wanted to knit a children's sweater for charity, I took my knitting needles out of the attic and dusted them off. I didn't even know how to cast on stitches anymore, but after a few tries, it all soon came back!
Since then, I have become completely hooked on knitting and crocheting again. I enjoy helping and encouraging others to do so and I also run a craft club in a care home, which is great fun. Meanwhile, I have participated in many of Scheepjes' CALs, MALs and KALs, making the projects together is so much fun! When I was asked to contribute to the moderator team of the Scheepjes Facebook groups, I didn't have to think twice and I feel completely at home in the Scheepjes family!