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Errata YARN 9 - Chakra Energy Flags
Errata YARN 9 - Chakra Energy Flags
Unfortunately, there is an error in the printed version of the Chakra Energy Flags pattern. Digital copies will be updated via Ravelry. Below the renewed pattern notes and stitch diagram.
Pattern Notes
This pattern is worked back and forth in rows. Both instructions and charts are worked from bottom up.
Each flag starts and ends in the same way; written instructions are given. For main design on each flag, use corresponding chart.
Read charts as folls:
As charts are symmetrical, read from right to left or left to right. Each st is represented by a ‘coloured’ or an ‘empty’ block. Each coloured block represents 1 tr, so always start row with 2tr (ch2 at start of each row does not count as st), then create filet mesh by working (ch1, skip 1 st) for first empty block, and 1tr for next empty block, as many times as shown in chart. E.g. when counting 8 consecutive empty blocks, work (ch1, skip 1 st, 1tr) 4 times. NOTE: You will always finish an empty block section on a tr. This is not shown on chart and does NOT count as a coloured tr. Where 2 coloured blocks appear on chart, you will have 3 tr on crocheted flag, where 4 coloured blocks appear on chart, you will have 5 tr on flag, and so on (excluding row ends). Continue as set along row, working 1tr for every coloured block, and sequence of (ch1, skip 1 st, 1tr) for every 2 empty blocks shown thereafter. At end of row, final tr made of empty block sequence counts as first of final 2 coloured blocks on chart; therefore work only 1 more coloured tr to complete row.
Stitch Chart 2
There is an error in Row 22 of Stitch Chart 2: Root Chakra Flag. Below the correction.
Errata YARN 9 - Chakra Energy Flags

Stitch Chart 8
There is an error in Row 24 of Stitch Chart 8: The Crown Chakra. Stitch 17 and 62 should also be coloured.