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Part 5

NEW - Download the all-in-one PDF!

The pattern for this CAL is now available as an all-in-one PDF! Visit the Ravelry page for more information!


In this part we will visit the Grande Galerie de l’Evolution, which is situated within the Jardin des Plantes and looks like a giant greenhouse from the outside. The inside is stunning with lots of walkways and an open space in the middle with a stunning display of animals like giraffes, antelopes and elephants.

Part 5 - US (2)

Part 5 - German (2)

Part 5

Esther from It’s all in a Nutshell has created video tutorials for CAL 2020 d'Histoire Naturelle. You can find the videos on her Youtube channel.

Right-handed video in UK terminology

Left-handed video in UK terminology

Bookclub Sunday

Watch the exclusive interviews (English only) with author Anthony Doerr and designer Christina via our YouTube channel.
Book Club Sunday week 8 | pp. 352-399
Book Club Sunday week 9 | pp. 400-448

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