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Part 2

NEW - Download the all-in-one PDF!

The pattern for this CAL is now available as an all-in-one PDF! Visit the Ravelry page for more information!


In this part we will visit the Entomology department and transform our squares into octagons. To do this, the four sides are worked separately to make four additional corners with bees in them. When working Rounds 20-24, don’t weave in the ends until after finishing Round 24, because that makes it easier to see the loop of the first and last st.

Part 2 - US (3)

Right-handed video in UK terminology

Left-handed video in UK terminology

Bookclub Sunday

Watch the exclusive interviews (English only) with author Anthony Doerr and designer Christina via our YouTube channel.
Book Club Sunday week 2 | pp. 50-97
Book Club Sunday week 3 | pp. 98-147

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